Sunday, February 1, 2009

Top Ten Jobs in Bangkok

As time passes with our travels throughout Thailand our expectations of ever getting a job in the United States again have lowered significantly. With the “booming economy” in Thailand we have become aware of a unique lifestyle filled with eclectic career paths. These jobs have inspired us to skip the fast track back in the States and lead a meaningful life with one of the many abstract positions available on this side of the world...

10. Woman Who Paints Flowers on Toenails

This job entails both an artistic knack and a steady hand. The flowers she can paint on the big toe have more detail than the decorating of a Buddhist Wat. She doesn’t stop at flowers though. She can paint Santa Claus, Hearts, Fish, Frankenstein you name it!

9. Bakery Counter Tag Team

Our baguettes or croissants could easily go stale without this duo. After picking out your bakery item (in a bakery section the size of a bathroom) your next step is to hand it off to these ladies so one can put it in a bag while the other rings you up, cash only. Then you proceed to the real checkout line to pay for all of your other items.

8. Parking Lot Whistler

A screaming drill sergeant whistle directs you into your parking space in most of the parking lots in Bangkok. This is necessary because most parking lots allow people to double-park their cars as long as they leave them in neutral. Behind every whistle is a job opportunity.

7. Ko Kret Ferry Ticket Seller

The woman sits at a table and collects 4 baht (10 cents) from everyone who wants to cross the 50-yard wide, man-made, portion of a river.

6. Dried Fruit Pusher

This position must work on commission. If your eyes meet she already starts pushing the 20+ options of dried fruit, she even has little bowls of samples for every kind of fruit imaginable. “Try some.” I have heard those words before…

5. Single Stair Mopper at Central Plaza

There is one stair outside of the local mall here (Central Plaza) and you can bet that stair is clean, thanks to our next job. That stairs’ gleam can be seen when flying overhead, because of the woman mops that single stair entrance.

4. Illegal Document Seller on Kosahn Road

He opens a suitcase and there are many illegal documents to be found…and bought. You need a Drivers License, Employment Visa, Diploma or other similar documents? Then you come to this man, give him a few baht, and you are good to go. Luckily this deal can be made completely out in the open at one of the dozens of storefronts on the busy Kosahn Road.

3. Rowboat Popcorn Seller

This woman rows her boat up to the side of a riverfront restaurant at the peak hours of dinnertime. In this boat she sells bags of popcorn to the hungry customers. She is able to hand off the popcorn by using a 6-foot long handle on a fishing net.

2. Team of Illegal Movie Sellers

At the IT Mall, in front of a store with blankets over most of the displays, this pair runs their business. After picking out a movie from the shelf the first man calls a second one on the phone. You wait 10 minutes for the second man to arrive. They take the cellophane wrapper off of the movie box, which ends up being empty. The second man hands over the disc he just brought and they place it inside the once empty box. So, for just 3 dollars you now have a movie that was just released in theaters in the States.

1. Feather Duster Selling Man on a Bike

This man rides a bike in the middle of the busy road…with a cart attached…full of feather dusters.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you got the shot! So good.