Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sawadee bpi mai ka! (Brittany)

Happy New Year!
New Years Eve we took a songthaew for 9 km (although in the back of a covered pick-up truck facing one another on benches it seemed much longer!) to a very nice Thai restaurant for dinner. We drank wine and laughed a lot, especially when Robin ordered "American Fried Rice" in hopes that it would be a simple option for dinner. The rice came out red (ketchup we discovered) and surrounded by two pieces of ham, an egg, a couple of mini weenies, and an unidentifiable fried meat product. The food was delicious and by 10:00 we hopped back into our songthaew and headed back to the homestead. A New Year drink of sparkling topped off our night and we all settled into bed by 11:30, happy to not have any other expectations than to be asleep by the stroke of midnight.

The next day started early. We went through heritage village, which was actually like tourist alley. Initially it sounded authentic, but the first stop at an overpriced jewels shop had me skeptical (so being ornery, I didn't take any pictures.) We did stop at a silk store that showed the steps to creating silk starting from the worm. That was pretty cool! After confronting the driver with the problem of not being impressed by his choice of morning events we skipped the rest of the "village" and headed toward the hot springs.

The hot springs were beautiful, but to our surprise, way too hot to swim in. It was a very popular spot for the Thais to bring in the New Year, and we were able to witness the boiling of the basket of egg tradition... so that was interesting...

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